

Manpower Recruitment

We cater to all manpower recruitment requirements for companies across all industries. Our core commitment and exemplary professionals find the right candidate for the right job ranging from entry-level to experienced professionals.

Job Visa

Using highly skilled professionals experienced in job visa processing and real time tracking of application, we provide complete visa processing solutions for all major countries.

Study Abroad (Study Visa)

We are dedicated to assisting potential students to achieve their academic goals by providing complete visa assistance to their choice of country, institution & course programs.

Visa Stamping

we offer additional services like visa stamping that are complex in nature. Our experts are highly skilled to carry out processes that require extra attention.

Air ticket Assistance

Our air ticket services provide end-to-end assistance for your travel needs, including booking flights keeping cost-effectiveness in mind, and ensuring you have all documents necessary.

Certificate Attestation

We offer efficient and reliable services to help you navigate the complex attestation process and ensure that your documents are authenticated and ready for use.

Passport & Immigration services

Our Immigration services provides you comprehensive support for your immigration requirements, preparing and submitting necessary documents, and securing visa, work permit etc.

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0484 2926464

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Open Hours

Daily 9.30 AM - 5.30 PM